Ex-mayor of Genoa is sentenced to 5 years in prison

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GENOA, NOV 28 (ANSA) - Former Genoese mayor Marta Vincenzi (2007-2012) was sentenced to five years and two months in prison on account of the floods of 4 November 2011, which killed four women and two children in the City.

According to the indictment, the authorities and technicians of the City Hall did not close the schools of the capital of Liguria, which was on alert because of the rains, and did not act quickly to block streets and avenues. Vincenzi was convicted of multiple homicide, wrongful death and forgery.

Investigations found that local Civil Protection had received "alarming" news at 11 am while the Fereggiano River overflowed only two hours later. During this period, according to the Prosecutor's Office of Genoa, the mayor could have avoided the tragedy.

In addition, the authorities would have altered in the records the time of the overflow to defend the thesis that the city had undergone an unforeseen phenomenon. "I consider myself innocent.It is a good thing that three degrees of judgment are expected in Italy.It does not end here," said Vincenzi, already announcing that he will appeal the sentence.

In addition to the former mayor, four former Genoese public leaders were convicted: Francesco Scidone (four years and nine months), Gianfranco Delponte (four years and five months), Pierpaolo Cha (one year and four months) and Sandro Gambelli year).

The Genoa court also ordered the City to pay compensation amounting to € 1.5 million to the families of the victims. "It was a fair trial, and I have seen that many things have changed in the city since then and that there is much more attention," said Flamur Djala, father of the two girls killed in the floods of 2011. (ANSA)


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