G7 ends unconfirmed climate, condemns 'unfair trading practices'

The summit of leaders of the world's richest democracies ended without a unanimous agreement on climate change as the Trump administration plans to take more time to say whether the US will remain in the Paris agreement.

The other six G7 powers have agreed to meet their previous commitment to implement the Paris agreement to control greenhouse gases to combat climate change. The G-7's final statement expresses "understanding" for the US review process. Earlier, Trump said through Twitter that he will take a decision on the Paris Accord next week.

G-7 leaders also struck a deal to recognize Trump's stance on trade. They kept the prohibition to protectionism constant in the group's earlier statements, but included a statement on Saturday that "they will stand firm against all unfair trade practices."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the G-7 talks on climate change were "unsatisfactory." On international trade, Merkel says the leaders had a "reasonable" discussion.

The climate and trade were highlights during the two-day meeting, which was held in the Italian city of Taormina, Sicily. The leaders agreed on other points such as supporting closer cooperation against terrorism following the attack during a musical concert in Manchester, UK, which killed 22 people. 

Source: Associated Press.


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