Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro considers "positive" process of installation balance to dialogue

Caracas 31 out (EFE) .- The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said on Monday that the assessment of the installation process towards political dialogue held yesterday is "positive", according to the impressions he heard of International escort.

Maduro, who held meetings with the special Vatican envoy, the Italian prelate Claudio Maria Celli, with the former head of the Spanish government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and the Secretary of US State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon assured all considered "positive" the beginning of the process.

"What I have received the report that was given to me by the commission led by partner Jorge Rodríguez (ruling), the impressions dp Monsignor Celli and former President Rodríguez Zapatero, is that the meeting was respectful, tall, frank," told reporters .

The minister's statements were made at the presidential palace of Miraflores after separately hold these meetings with international visitors, meetings that stretched for an hour each, according to Maduro.

"The meeting with Monsignor Celli was very positive," he said after commenting that also attended the nuncio in Venezuela, Aldo Giordano.

Furthermore, Maduro said he received in his office this afternoon Zapatero, who also assessed the process of installation meeting to start a dialogue and the creation of working groups that started activity on Monday.

"I do not want to speak for Thomas Shannon, but their impressions were very positive about the start and installation of the dialogue process for peace in Venezuela. It was a meeting of great harmony, today, a lot of empathy," Maduro said, to mention American representative.

The Venezuelan leader said that "it is already great news for Venezuela" that is being given beginning the process towards dialogue and has "started well".

"We can say that today began the first commissions applying the methodology which was approved yesterday," he said of the four working groups coordinated by the mediators of the South American Nations Union (UNASUR) and the Holy See.

"The happiest person yesterday when installed this table was me because I sought dialogue and I am very happy today because in Venezuela there is a dialogue. I call all of Venezuela (to join), including those isolated sectors and say no to dialogue, "he said.

Maduro asked to "disarm hatred" and said that on Sunday, when it was installed the meeting for dialogue, personally met the executive secretary of the alliance opposing the Democratic Unity Table (MUD) Jesús Torrealba, and confessed: "It seemed good ". EFE

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