Japanese scientist takes his 'robot clone' to Rome

ROME, NOV 28 (ANSA) - Japanese researcher Hiroshi Ishiguro presented his "robot clone" at the "Romaeuropa Festival", the Geminoid. His own replica is already in the fourth version and moves and behaves like its inventor, who has worked with androids for 16 years.

The launch took place in the event of the latest trends in technology and robotics, based in the Italian capital. "Producing robots more and more like ourselves does not just help us create instruments at our service, but it also helps us understand the essence of the human being," said the Osaka University scientist.

On the occasion, it was Geminoid himself who introduced himself to the audience: "I wish I could conduct this conference and make them understand who I am, but as Ishiguro is here, I will talk to him. I am an android and he is human "Said the robot.

With eyelashes, eyebrows, eyes, lips and even facial expressions, it was sometimes difficult to distinguish one from the other. "It's true that it's like having a clone, I could send him to my place at conferences," joked Ishiguro.

The real interest of the scientist is to produce human robots capable of acting as actors in theaters and as tour guides, as is already happening in the Tokyo subway.

"To truly connect with robots, we must first of all question ourselves about what man is. Building androids is not only about having helpers on our side, but to learn how we are, how our brains work," said the Japanese.

The researcher also said that the West fears the new technologies, unlike the Eastern ones, which are always looking for more technological engagement. (ANSA)


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