Palestine sentenced to life imprisonment for lethal attack on Israel

Jerusalem, 28 Nov 2016 (AFP) - One Palestinian has been sentenced to life imprisonment, and another, 16 years and a half behind bars, by two Israeli courts on Monday (28) - the Justice Ministry said. Both of them committed knife attacks that resulted in the deaths of two Israelis.

A Tel Aviv court handed down two life sentences against Raed Jalil, 37, on charges that he killed two Israelis stabbed and wounded another on Nov. 19, 2015 in Tel Aviv.

Upon conviction, the judges added a further 20 years' imprisonment for a triple homicide attempt.

A spokesman for the Justice Ministry told AFP that life sentences amounted to 25 years imprisonment without possibility of a reduction. Khalil also can not be released, in case of possible agreement between Israelis and Palestinians.

Already a court in Lod, near Tel Aviv, condemned Tamer Weridat to 16 ½ years in prison. He was accused of stabbing and slightly wounding an orthodox Jew near a Petah Tikva mall on October 7, 2015.

Tamer Weritdat will also have to pay 100,000 shekels ($ 28,000) for damages.

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