Delegate rules out abduction of Greek ambassador missing in Rio
Pedro Ladeira - 25.May.2016 / Folhapress
Greek ambassador Kyriakos Amiridis (right) talks with President Michel Temer during a ceremony to present
ambassador credentials at the Planalto Palace.
Delegate Evaristo Pontes, of the DHBF (Homicide Office of Baixada Fluminense), said on Thursday (29) that he does not believe that the Greek ambassador to Brazil, Kyriakos Amiridis, 59, has been kidnapped. Pontes investigates the disappearance of Amiridis since the night of this Wednesday (28), when the fact was informed to the Civil Police of Rio. Amiridis has not been seen for three days.
On this Thursday, Pontes heard witnesses of the case. Françoise Amiridis, wife of the ambassador, who is Brazilian, was one of the people listened to. Yesterday, she informed the PF (Federal Police) about the disappearance of her husband. The PF evaluated that the disappearance had no relation with the diplomatic activity of Amiridis in Brazil. Therefore, the case was referred to DHBF, which has a specific sector for investigations of disappearances.
"We do not work with the hypothesis of kidnapping, the investigation follows a few lines, but we do not work with it," said Pontes. "As the verification is still ongoing and also because it is an ambassador, we will keep the secrecy about the investigation for now."
According to the delegate, the ambassador was last seen in Nova Iguaçu, in the Baixada Fluminense. He lives in Brasilia, but came to Rio to spend the holidays. At the end of the week, he went to Nova Iguaçu with his wife, who has relatives of the city.
Bridges said that Françoise said that her husband left the house alone at around 8pm Monday (26). He was driving the car rented by the couple for their stay in Rio. Other witnesses heard by the police also saw the ambassador driving the vehicle to leave Nova Iguacu.
Since then, the ambassador has not reported any more about his whereabouts nor has he spoken to his family. In a statement, the Civil Police reported that the ambassador's last record occurred on Monday night (26), but did not say where that happened.
An employee of the Greek Embassy in Brasilia, who asked not to be identified, simply said that "the ambassador has been on vacation since last 22nd and has to return to work on January 9th." "We were informed [about the disappearance] by the press," he said.
Kyriakos has been Greece's consul-general since January of this year from 2001 to 2004. The diplomatic career began in 1985 in Athens and includes passages in Serbia, Belgium, the Netherlands and Libya.
The Rio de Janeiro police informed that anyone who has any information that helps in the location of the ambassador can contact the Citizen Assistance Center at (21) 2334-8823 and (21) 2334-8835 or by the chat available at the following e-mail address: Https://
The report also contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find out if Itamaraty will follow the case, but has not received an answer so far.
Reproduction / Facebook - 12.Nov.2016
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