Hackers attack German police portal gathering clues on attack

Berlin, Dec. 21 (EFE) .-The portal opened by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Germany (BKA) so that citizens can send photos and videos related to Monday's bombing in Berlin was invaded by hackers on Wednesday and became Blocked for two and a half hours.

As reported by the media group "Funke" citing BKA sources, the page was the target of a DDOS attack, which collapses servers by multiplying data traffic.

The page was inaccessible between 17h and 19h30 local, when it was possible to reverse the attack.

So far, 270 lanes have been received on the portal, while Berlin police have handled more than 500 calls on the hotline to receive any information that might help investigate the bombing, killing 12 people after a truck invaded a Christmas market .

Police said on Wednesday the police searched for a Tunisian citizen after finding in the truck cabin documentation belonging to a young man of that nationality who was registered as dangerous in the data of the security forces.


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