Italian actress Ornella Muti asks for Russian citizenship

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MOSCOW, Dec 21 (ANSA) - Italian actress Ornella Muti, 61, has filed for a request for Russian citizenship, the Moscow press reported. "It is not that I do not love Italy, but I want to live in a country that has a future like Russia. My dream is that my passport is delivered by Vladimir Putin," said the actress, who is the daughter of Russian mother and grandparents. Ornella Muti made her film debut in 1970, and in 1994 was considered the most beautiful woman in the world by international readers of Class magazine.

One of the curiosities of the Italian's career is that she refused the role of "bond girl" in the classic "007 For Your Eyes", 1981.

"I am seriously intent on regaining my Russian roots," she said. (ANSA)


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