American who reacted to the robbery in Rio de Janeiro is released after being detained for contempt

Fernando Lemos / Agência O Globo
Michael Bottoni, American tourist who underwent robbery and ran after thug in Ipanema

RIO - Robbered on Friday in Ipanema, south of Rio, and arrested for assaulting the robber and for contempt at the police station, the American tourist Joseph Ianco, 54, was released at dawn Saturday. He and a friend were approached by the robber and reacted. After delivering his belongings, Ianco chased him and ended up taking a butt as he fought a corporal fight with the criminal.

Police arrived and took them both to Miguel Couto Hospital in Leblon, and then to the Specialized Tourist Attendant (Deat) in Leblon for the record of the incident. At the police station, Ianco attempted to assault the thief, and was restrained by agents. Angrily, he cursed the cops, and received a prison sentence for contempt of authority.

"I do not regret anything," said the tourist when he was released.

Deat's deputy, Valeria Aragão, will send the contempt files to the Special Criminal Court and copies to the US embassy for science and referral from the US government. Ianco returns tomorrow to New York, where he lives. He came to spend the end of the year with a friend in Rio.

"The reaction has never been encouraged," said the delegate in an interview with Jornal Nacional.

The criminal tried to shoot Ianco, but the weapon failed. He then got into a taxi to escape and threatened the driver, but was restrained until the arrival of the military police.


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