Expertise proves that charred body was Greek ambassador

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Wife of the Greek ambassador Kyriakos Amiridis.

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Investigations by the Civil Police have confirmed that the body found charred in a car in Nova Iguaçu, in the Baixada Fluminense, is that of Greece's ambassador to Brazil, Kyriakos Amiridis.

Dental arch examinations and DNA tests carried out by the Instituto Médico Legal and the Institute of Expertise and Research in Forensic Genetics of the Civil Police have confirmed the thesis of the investigation. Genetic material from the diplomat's daughter, 10 years old, came to be collected for confirmation to be possible.

Police had already confirmed that the car where the body was found belonged to the ambassador, who disappeared on December 26. The vehicle was found burned on the 29th, under an overpass of the Metropolitan Arch.

Delegate Evaristo Pontes, from the Homicide Office of Baixada Fluminense, works on the suspicion that Amiridis was killed at home by a military police officer, who would be mistress of the ambassador. The policeman and a cousin who would have helped confessed to participating in the crime, but Amiridis' wife denies it.

The three are temporarily arrested by court order.


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