French President to visit FARC concentration area in Colombia

Bogota, Jan 7 (EFE) .-French President François Hollande will visit with Colombian government a pre-grouping area of ​​the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a source from the Foreign Ministry told EFE on Saturday. Of the South American country.

The source explained that the government of Juan Manuel Santos authorized this visit after France had requested it some time ago.

The French head of government will make an official visit to Colombia between the 22nd and 24th of this month, and at some point will go to the pre-grouping area of ​​the FARC that could be the one located in La Elvira, department of Cauca.

France's ambassador to Colombia, Jean-Marc Laforêt, visited this camp last Thursday, where the guerrillas are expected to meet before leaving their weapons and demobilizing.

There, the diplomat was received by Jorge Torres Victoria, known as "Pablo Catatumbo", one of the FARC chiefs who was guerrilla negotiator in Cuba's peace talks.

"For us it will be an honor to also receive the President of France," Catatumbo said in an interview with the "New Colombia Noticias" agency, which disseminates information related to the FARC.

The Colombian government and the FARC signed a peace agreement on November 24 last year in Bogota that ends more than half a century of internal armed conflict.


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