
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2017

Trump dismisses interim prosecutor for defying decree against Muslims

Washington, Jan 31, 2017 (AFP) - US President Donald Trump on Monday dismissed interim prosecutor Sally Yates after declaring that the Justice Department would not defend the decision to ban The entry into the United States of refugees and people from seven Muslim countries. "Acting Attorney General Sally Yates has betrayed the Justice Department by refusing to enforce the legal order designed to protect citizens of the United States," the White House said in a statement. "President Trump has replaced Yates with his duties and has appointed Dana Boente, district attorney for the eastern district of Virginia, to serve as acting attorney general until Senator Jeff Sessions is confirmed by the Senate." In a memo, Secretary Sally Yates - who served as the number two cabinet in the Barack Obama administration - said she doubted the legality and morality of the presidential executive order. "My responsibility is to ensure that the position of the...

Retaliação a Trump deixa jogadores de basquete dos EUA "ilhados" em Dubai

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/ AP Donald Trump em evento oficial como presidente; republicano provocou retaliação do Irã Donald Trump vetou a entrada de estrangeiros oriundos de sete países por três meses e iniciou uma espécie de dominó político. Incluído na lista do presidente dos EUA, o Irã retaliou proibindo a entrada de norte-americanos em seu território até que a Casa Branca reveja sua postura. Por conta dos acontecimentos, dois americanos, jogadores de basquete, podem ser impedidos de voltarem ao país de maioria muçulmana, onde atuavam profissionalmente. A notícia foi divulgada pelo site "The Vertical", que entrevistou o agente de Joseph Jones e JP Prince. "No momento eles estão abandonados. É uma dificuldade real. Nós estamos esperando esclarecimentos do time. É complicado. Parece que eles não vão poder terminar a temporada no Irã. Não é bom perder seu emprego e as coisas deles estão todas no Irã. Eles não podem voltar e pegá-las", disse o empresário Eric F...

Mais de 100 diplomatas dos EUA protestam contra veto migratório de Trump

Em Washington Morty Ortega/AFP Mais de 100 diplomatas americanos assinaram um documento interno no qual protestam contra o veto temporário à entrada no país de pessoas de sete nações de maioria muçulmana, por considerar que será contraproducente na luta contra o terrorismo. No documento, entregue nesta segunda-feira (30) à imprensa, vários funcionários do serviço de exteriores expressam sua oposição à parte do decreto assinado nesta sexta-feira pelo presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, que proíbe durante 90 dias a entrada ao país de cidadãos de Líbia, Sudão, Somália, Síria, Iraque, Iêmen e Irã. "Esta proibição, que só pode ser suspensa sob condições que para os países será difícil ou impossível cumprir, não alcançará seu objetivo assinalado de proteger o povo de ataques terroristas de cidadãos estrangeiros que ingressem nos Estados Unidos", advertem os signatários do documento. "Além disso, essa política vai contra importantes valores americanos ...

Quantos atentados foram cometidos nos EUA por pessoas dos países vetados por Trump? Nenhum

A ordem executiva emitida pelo presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, proíbe a entrada de cidadãos de sete países de maioria da população muçulmana em território americano: Irã, Iraque, Líbia, Somália, Sudão, Síria e Iêmen. A medida afirma que o banimento é necessário para evitar a entrada de terroristas no país. Entretanto, a proibição não atinge pessoas de países de onde vieram os autores dos piores atentados terroristas em solo americano: o 11 de Setembro foi realizado por terroristas de nacionalidade majoritariamente saudita.  Nenhuma pessoa com o status de refúgio nos EUA de qualquer nacionalidade está envolvida em qualquer ataque terrorista desde que a Lei de Refúgio de 1980 definiu os procedimentos para aceitar refugiados no país. Antes disso, três refugiados -- cubanos -- conseguiram perpetrar atentados no país. Outro ponto importante é que os autores dos ataques terroristas recentes realizados nos EUA são americanos ou residentes permanentes de países que não e...

Sobe para seis o número de mortes confirmadas por febre amarela em SP

São Paulo - Subiu para seis o número de mortes confirmadas por febre amarela no Estado de São Paulo, quatro delas de pacientes que se infectaram em viagens a Minas Gerais, onde ocorre surto da doença. Na semana passada, três óbitos já haviam sido confirmados pela Secretaria Estadual da Saúde de São Paulo: dois autóctones (com transmissão local da doença), em Américo Brasiliense e Batatais, e um importado, de um morador de Santana de Parnaíba que esteve em território mineiro. As três novas mortes registradas ocorreram na capital (2) e em Paulínia, todas de casos importados de Minas. Em 2016, duas mortes por febre amarela silvestre foram registradas em São Paulo: uma em abril, na cidade de Bady Bassit, e outra em dezembro, em Ribeirão Preto. O balanço divulgado nesta segunda-feira, 30, pela secretaria mostra ainda que há outros 17 casos da doença em investigação, quatro deles com provável local de infecção em cidades do interior paulista. Os demais pacientes se infectaram em...

Mãe golfinho tenta salvar filhote de ser capturado no Japão.


MEC divulga resultado do Sisu

O MEC (Ministério da Educação) divulgou nesta segunda-feira (30) o resultado da primeira chamada do Sisu (Sistema de Seleção Unificada). Ao todo, são oferecidas 238.397 vagas de graduação em 131 instituições de ensino federais e estaduais públicas.  Confira o resultado Os candidatos são selecionados com base na nota no Enem (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio) e, para participar do processo, o estudante não pode ter zerado a redação do exame.  No período de inscrição, os estudantes puderam selecionar até duas opções de curso para concorrer a uma vaga. O sistema calcula a nota de corte para cada curso com base no número de vagas ofertadas e no total de candidatos inscritos. Cada universidade define o cálculo que utilizará para a seleção dos novos alunos.  Os convocados nesta primeira chamada do Sisu devem fazer matrícula entre os dias 3 e 7 de fevereiro nas instituições onde foram aprovados. Aqueles que não foram chamados e desejarem participar da lista de esp...

Hamas criticizes Facebook for closing dozens of pages of its followers

Gaza, Jan 7 (EFE) .-Hamas criticized Facebook on Saturday for closing dozens of accounts and pages of its supporters after the Islamist movement launched a campaign in which it praised its first bomb maker, Iejie Ayash, known as "O Engineer ", who died in 1996 in an explosion. According to one of the group's spokesmen, Hussam Badran, the social network canceled more than 90 pages of Hamas and 30 other followers, Maan news agency reported. The closure is due to the permanent escalation of Facebook's administration with "Israeli occupation policies," Badran said, and was heavily condemned by several Gaza activists. The group launched a campaign to mark the 21st anniversary of Ayash's assassination, famed for his ability to make explosives inside the Hamas armed wing, the Ezedin al-Qassam Brigades, and whom Israel blamed for the deaths of more than 50 of his Citizens in attacks. Ayash, the most wanted Palestinian guerrilla in Israel, in...

Director of "Charlie Hebdo" calls for freedom of expression

Two years after the terrorist attack on the headquarters of the satirical newspaper, head of the publication says that journalists will not give up their passion. The head of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, Laurent Sourisseau, known as Riss, claimed on Saturday (07/01) the right of publication to freedom of expression despite the terrorist threat, Two years after the jihadist attack that left 12 dead at its headquarters in Paris. "We will not let go of our passion, let our lives not be dictated by this violence," he said in an interview with RTL. Riss, shot during the Jan. 7, 2015, attack and replacing the late Charb as a director, finds the strong police surveillance surrounding him since "a necessary evil." The newspaper released a special issue last Wednesday in which it emphasized that the assassination attempt was a "political crime". "Those who were murdered were committed personalities who defended precise ideas, particular for...

Expertise proves that charred body was Greek ambassador

Image Internet Wife of the Greek ambassador Kyriakos Amiridis. Image Internet Investigations by the Civil Police have confirmed that the body found charred in a car in Nova Iguaçu, in the Baixada Fluminense, is that of Greece's ambassador to Brazil, Kyriakos Amiridis. Dental arch examinations and DNA tests carried out by the Instituto Médico Legal and the Institute of Expertise and Research in Forensic Genetics of the Civil Police have confirmed the thesis of the investigation. Genetic material from the diplomat's daughter, 10 years old, came to be collected for confirmation to be possible. Police had already confirmed that the car where the body was found belonged to the ambassador, who disappeared on December 26. The vehicle was found burned on the 29th, under an overpass of the Metropolitan Arch. Delegate Evaristo Pontes, from the Homicide Office of Baixada Fluminense, works on the suspicion that Amiridis was killed at home by a military police office...

Thousands of Israelis call for social unity after soldier conviction

Jerusalem, Jan 7 (EFE) .- Thousands of Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv on Saturday to call for unity in society, divided by the murder conviction of soldier Elor Azaria, who fired a shot at the head of a Palestinian who was injured on the ground After attacking another military man in March in Hebron. Yitzhak Rabin Square was the scene of a demonstration that brought together about 3,000 people, according to police, who were summoned by an army captain, Ziv Shilon, wounded in 2012 near the Gaza border, the Haaretz newspaper reported. "I feel that our people are divided in pain, hate, disappointment and despair," the captain wrote in his Facebook page, in which he announced his intention to appear in the square "with a great sign of solidarity and reciprocal love". To unite Israelis from the entire social and political spectrum to "embrace the country." Attending the demonstration were a number of deputies from the Knesset, including Yair Lapid...

Banqueiros foragidos querem politizar caso Odebrecht no Equador, diz Correa

Quito, 7 jan (EFE).- O presidente do Equador, Rafael Correa, afirmou neste sábado que os irmãos William e Roberto Isaias, ex-banqueiros procurados pela Justiça equatoriana e foragidos nos Estados Unidos, tentam politizar o famoso caso de subornos da Odebrecht a funcionários, a fim de afetar seu governo. Correa disse que suspeita que os Isaias tentam usar este caso justamente no momento em que começou a campanha eleitoral para os pleitos presidenciais e legislativos do próximo dia 19 de fevereiro. Em seu habitual relatório semanal de trabalhos transmitido por rádio e televisão, o presidente equatoriano mencionou o fato de que uma congressista americana, a republicana pela Flórida, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, pediu à procuradoria dos EUA os nomes dos envolvidos equatorianos na trama de subornos da Odebrecht. Segundo Correa, Ros-Lethinen fez esse pedido a título pessoal e apenas sobre o caso do Equador, apesar de haver uma dúzia de países envolvidos no escândalo. Além disso,...

Cuban Interior Minister dies at age 78

Internet Image Havana, Jan 7 (EFE) .- Cuba's Interior Minister, Carlos Fernández Godín, died Saturday at the age of 78 in Havana "because of complications of a chronic disease he suffered from," an official statement from the Ministers. Godín, who fought in the Rebel Army before the Revolution, was elevated from first deputy interior minister to cabinet minister in October 2015, when he replaced Abelardo Colomé in that position since 1989 and resigned due to health problems. According to his will, his body will be cremated and his ashes exposed at the Veterans' Pantheon in Havana's Colón Cemetery, where he will remain until his deposit at the Second Front Mausoleum in Santiago de Cuba, where he will receive military honors.

Beach Saturday has confusion and robbery in the sands of Rio

Alessandro Buzas / Estadão Contents Reinforced policing on Ipanema beach, south zone of Rio de Janeiro Rio - The Saturday of crowded beaches and thermometers marking 34 degrees in Rio was also marked by confusion and robberies in the sands of Rio. Despite the increase in the number of the Military Police to monitor the border in Operation Praia, at least six occurrences were registered and four people were arrested. According to a report released by the PM, on the beaches of the southern zone there were two prisons for robbery, a robbery case, two people detained for possession of drugs and a fight in the sands of Ipanema. In Arpoador, adolescents were provoking turmoil in the sand and were contained by the Municipal Guard. In the western zone of Rio, there was no record of occurrences on the beaches. A man was arrested by police officers of the 23rd Military Police Battalion on Viera Souto Avenue, on the Ipanema border, in the southern zone, after stealing a pedest...

Trump insists on approaching Russia but wants to reassure Republicans

Washington, Jan 7, 2017 (AFP) - Donald Trump insisted Saturday on his willingness to approach Russia, but at the same time appointed a former senator who faces sanctions from Moscow as the new director of intelligence. Should reassure those who fear that the president-elect will be condescending to the Russian government. "Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing, only stupid or imbeciles would think it was bad," Trump said in a series of messages posted on Twitter this morning. The position goes against that of many Republican legislators historically hostile to Moscow. "We already have enough problems in the world to add another. When you are president, Russia will respect us much more than now, and our two countries may work together to solve some of the great problems of this world," Trump said. But the president-elect's line of conduct remained difficult to define, since, at the same time as he expressed ...

Militants hold defense minister for hours in Ivory Coast

Abidjan, Jan 7 (EFE) .- Militants belonging to a faction of the Ivorian Army that rebelled in several cities to demand salary increases retained Defense Minister Alain Richard Donwahi in Bouaké in the center of the country , Sources told the government on Saturday. Donwahi was released shortly after meeting with the insurgents to end the mutiny that spread to several cities in the country, including the economic capital Abidjan. News of the hostage taking by the minister late this afternoon came shortly after President Alassane Ouattara announced his willingness to reach an agreement with the mutineers. Donwahi was detained in the residence of the sub-prefect of Bouaké, where the meeting between the government delegation and the insurgent military happened. "The minister, the journalists, a deputy, the mayor and all those who had come to accompany the negotiations between the minister and the mutineers were retained," one of the reporters told EFE that h...

French President to visit FARC concentration area in Colombia

Bogota, Jan 7 (EFE) .-French President François Hollande will visit with Colombian government a pre-grouping area of ​​the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a source from the Foreign Ministry told EFE on Saturday. Of the South American country. The source explained that the government of Juan Manuel Santos authorized this visit after France had requested it some time ago. The French head of government will make an official visit to Colombia between the 22nd and 24th of this month, and at some point will go to the pre-grouping area of ​​the FARC that could be the one located in La Elvira, department of Cauca. France's ambassador to Colombia, Jean-Marc Laforêt, visited this camp last Thursday, where the guerrillas are expected to meet before leaving their weapons and demobilizing. There, the diplomat was received by Jorge Torres Victoria, known as "Pablo Catatumbo", one of the FARC chiefs who was guerrilla negotiator in Cuba's peace tal...

American who reacted to the robbery in Rio de Janeiro is released after being detained for contempt

Fernando Lemos / Agência O Globo Michael Bottoni, American tourist who underwent robbery and ran after thug in Ipanema RIO - Robbered on Friday in Ipanema, south of Rio, and arrested for assaulting the robber and for contempt at the police station, the American tourist Joseph Ianco, 54, was released at dawn Saturday. He and a friend were approached by the robber and reacted. After delivering his belongings, Ianco chased him and ended up taking a butt as he fought a corporal fight with the criminal. Police arrived and took them both to Miguel Couto Hospital in Leblon, and then to the Specialized Tourist Attendant (Deat) in Leblon for the record of the incident. At the police station, Ianco attempted to assault the thief, and was restrained by agents. Angrily, he cursed the cops, and received a prison sentence for contempt of authority. "I do not regret anything," said the tourist when he was released. Deat's deputy, Valeria Aragão, will send the contemp...